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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)
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         court and Testamentary Business, 1643. 223


       william hardige demandeth of blanch oliver 200 l tob & cask,                   Liber P. R.

     due for bbrell of corne owing by her to John norman, whose

     assigne the plf is, & 50 l tob due for paines bestowed in praising

     her goods.

       the said blanch acknowledgeth that she was to pay to Jo.

     norman i bI. of come in June last; & that she is ready to pay it:

     & saith that she ought not to pay him so much for his paines


       vpon the report of 3. sworne men, who found that in June last

     corne was worth 200 l tob, & at this pnt it is worth 100 l tob

     the Court found for the plf 1. barrell of come due, & for

     damage of non paymt 100 l & the deft to deliver or tender the

     come at the house of Jo. norman, at some time before the 1st

     of febr next, or els an exequution to goe out for 100 l tob more

     for value of the corne. And the 50' tob, demanded for paines

     of praising


       William Edwin demandeth of John hollis 6 l of beaver, &

     2 3S in mony sterling due by bill; & 100 l tob for damage of non

     paymt these 2. yea: & 6. pewtr spoones, a brasse skillet & 3. pewtr



       William Edwin demandeth of John hilierd 250' tob due by

     bill assigned from william howkins, & 150 l tob more due from

     Rowland morgan by bill, whose Adrnrator the said John hilierd

     beares himselfe to be


     feb: 27. 1643.

       warn: deft to Cort on 1st mar: next, by 10 cl morn: pill iudgmt



       January 12. William hardige demandeth of Mr Robt wise-

     man gent 900 l tob due for the price of the plfs half share of the

     house & plantaon vpon St Paules foreland (alias wisemans

     point) sold to the said Robt wiseman by the plf


       John nevill seaman demandeth of Ellis Beach 500 l tob, for

     wages for 7. weeks, wherin he was out vpon a voyage hired by

     the said Ellis; & 86 l tob more due last yeare for the washing

     of the linnen of the said Ellis by the plfs wife.


       William hardige demandeth of Edw. packer 700 l tob due by

     bill of work

       the said Ed. packer acknowledgeth the demand was due, but

     that he hath attached it in his owne hands to the vse of Thomas



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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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