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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 221   View pdf image (33K)
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          Court and Testamentary Business, 1643. 221


        walter Beane demandeth of Edward hall 600 l tob & cask                   Liber P. R.

      due by bill.

        warning to Cort pill iudgrnt


        George Binx gent demandeth of Nathan: Pope 5. bb. of corne

      due for physick to Tho: Oliver, the defts servant & 2. bb. corne

      more for labour & physick extraordinary to the said Tho.

      Oliver.                vid. answr deft inf. p. 122

      1643                                                                                                      p. 116


        January 1 2. John Lewger demandeth of Edward Hall 282'

      tob & cask due by acct


        5 warning to Court thursd: next pill of iudgmt


        Tho. Greene boatswaine p attorn Ed: Packer of the Re

      formaon; demandeth of William hardige 40 l tob in roll, & 10 l

      tob in roll due by acet & 2 l beaver due by bill.

        attachmt retorn 1st febr next.


        ffrancis ottoway chirurgeon (p attor Tho. Greene mariner)

      demandeth of william hardige 50' tob in roll; due by acet


        Giles Brent Esq &c. complaineth agst Leonard Calvert Esq

      for that whereas the said Leonard Calvert by bill of hand did

      covenant & contract wth the plf (in consideraon of a valuable

      price agreed vpon for a certaine pcell of land vpon Kent, called

      Kent ffort wth the mill & other housing thervpon, & wch the plf

      hath since paid & satisfie[d] to the said Leonard) to secure

      the plf the quiett possession & enioying of the said land & appur

      tenances to the plf & his heires, agst all men, by bond or other

      wise, vpon demand of the plf now the plf since that time hath

      demanded the said Leonard to secure vnto him the said

      bargaine according to the said contract; who hath delayed the

      pformance therof, & is now absent out of the Province; &

      therefore prayeth processe agst the estate of the said Leonard

      within this Province,


        william Broughe demandeth of Robt vaughan 300 l tob wch

      the said Robt vaughan received at Kent to the plfs vse, & 50'

      tob more wch he received of Jo. ormsby for the plf & hath not

      yet accompted for them to the plf


         5th warning to Cort retorn 1st febr next.


            Lieut grall vpon the motion of John Lewgr shewing

      Sedent Secret that an attachmt was issued agst Robt huett

           tmr Neale & returnd served, the Court admitted him


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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