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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 220   View pdf image (33K)
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                  220     Court and Testamentary Business, 1643.


Liber P. R. refusing to serve the plf according to covenant; & agst John

                  Norman for vnlawfully harboring of his said servant.

                    arrest Tho. white; appeare friday next & warn to Cort John




                    Giles Brent L. G. demandeth of Thomas Randall 300' tob

                   due by acct

                    warn: to Cort friday next pill of iudgmt


                    william Parry of Kekotan Virginea (p attornat Giles Brent

                        L. G.) demandeth of Thomas boys 8 l beaver; due by



                    warn: to Cort friday next, vpon pill iudgmt



                    Edmond Ployden Knt (p attornat Giles Brent L. G.) corn

                   plaineth agst Jane Stevenson, & Anne ffletcher spinsters, for

                   departing vnlawfully out of his service in virginea in ffebruary

                   last wherin he was then actually possessed of them & desireth

                   to have them returnd. into his possession, & 1000 l tob a peice

                   for their trespasse.


                    warne Cutbert ffennick gent John Hollis, henry James, John

                   hilierd, & John hampton to be at the Count on ffriday next to

                   testifie in a cause of Thomas Boys


                    John Cook demandeth of Thomas hebden 1 250 l tob & cask,

                   due by accot

                    warning to Cort friday next pill iudgmt


                    retraxit 10 John hollis demandeth of Thomas Todd 734 l

                   of tob; & 6 l of beaver; & 40. armes length roanoke.

                    warn, to Cort friday next pill iudgmt


                    22. attachmt retorn 1st febr next


                    Thomas Boys demandeth of the Exequutr of James Cauther,

                   4277' tob; wch the said James Cauther assumed to pay for the

                   plf to John Angud deceased in consideraon of the estate re

                   linquished to Ja: Cauther by the plf at their parting out of co



                    John Lewger demandeth of Thomas Todd 1250' tob due

                   vpon acct


                    11 Richard hill carp demandeth of John hollis 500' tob

                   wherof 270. wth cask due by bill, the rest due by acct


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 220   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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