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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 219   View pdf image (33K)
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          Court and Testamentary Business, 1643. 219


        8th William Asiter demandeth of Hangat Baker one barrell                   Liber P. R.

      of come to be delivered at the plfs house, for so much lent to

      the deft at the cropp 1642.

        the deft saith that he hath assigned paymt of the corne de

      manded, to marks Pheypo to the vse of the plf by the appointrnt

      of the plf wth wch assignmt Marks was contented absolutely: &

      discharged the deft of it.

        And vpon the oath of the said Marks that he expressed to

      the said hangat he did not accept of the assignrnt but con

      ditionally if it were paid: & that he hath not received any

      paymt of it yet; the Court found that the plf should recover

      his demand to be tendred the 1. ffebr or exequution for a bbrel

      of come, or in default therof for 100 l tob.

      1643                                                                                                                p. 114

        January 8th Capt Tho. Cornwaleys Esq demandeth of henry

      Lee 4000 l tob & cask due vpon an attachmt retorn friday next

      cum intimaone iudicij.


        Capt Tho. Cornwaleys Esq demandeth of xpofer Carnoll 700 l

      tob due by bill, & 88 l tob by acct all wth cask.

        attachmt retorn friday next, cum intimaone iudicij


        Capt Tho. Cornwaleys Esq demandeth of ffrancis Posie 1000 l

      tob & cask, due by acct

        attachmt retorn friday next; cum intimaone iudicij


        Cutbert ffenwick gent demandeth of Robt Clerk gent: 500 l

      tob & cask due for debt of 340 l tob & damage of non paymt

      this 3. yea:

        warn: to Court, retorn 1. febr. next


        9 Isaac Edwards demandeth of Robert Saltes 760 l due for

      goods sold him about october last.


        Jan 11. retraxit Thomas Sterman demandeth of Capt

      henry ffleet 6000 l tob for non pformance of a covenant wth the

      plf for the receiving of certaine pipstaves of his & satisfying him

      for them, & delivering to him a suit of broadcloth.

        attachmt retorn 1st Aprill next.


        retraxit Thomas Sterman demandeth of Thomas ffranclin

      certaine goods delivered to him in England by Steven Thomas

      to be delevered to the plf

      1643                                                                                                               p. 115

        January 9. John Price complaineth agst Thomas white for


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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