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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 189   View pdf image (33K)
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             Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.     189


      Langford Esq demandeth of John Lewger Esq two hundred                     Liber P. R.

      fifty pounds sterling due vpon accompt for goods & mony.

        the said John Lewger acknowledgeth, the said accompt to be

      true, but saith that he hath paid toward it sixteene hogsheads

      of tob, amounting to 3000 Wt of tobacco neat.


        7. And the Court adiudged that the plaintif should recover

      250 l



        6. Richard Ingle mariner on the behalfe of mr Peniston &

      his partners, demandeth 600 l tob & cask, of Jane Cockshott

      widd: due by recognisance from her late husband deceased

      whose Admratix she the said Jane is.

        attachmt in form consuet retorn 1st Aprill.


        attachmt v. will hardige in caa Capt Cornwaleys.


        7th Leonard Calvert Esq &c. acknowledged that he hath

      conveyed & sold vnto John Skinner mariner, all those his 3.

      Mannors of St Michael, St Gabriel, & Trinity Mannor, with all

      the tenements & hereditaments in or vpon them or any of them,

      and all his right title & interest in & to the premises or any

      part therof, to have & to hold the same to the said John

      Skinner his heires & assignes for ever. And that he hath

      further covenanted to finish the dwelling house at Pinie neck,

      wth a stack of brick chimneyes (conteining 2. chimneys) neare

      about the middle of the house now standing and to make the

      partition by the said chimneyes, & doores & windowes, & to

      vnderpin the frame of it wth stone or brick. In consideration

      wherof the said John Skinner covenanted & bargained to

      deliver vnto the said Leonard Calvert, fourteene negro men-

      slaves, & three women slaves, of betweene 16. and 26. yeare

      old able & sound in body & limbs, at some time before the

      first of march come twelve-month, at St Maries, if he bring so

      1642 many within the Capes, by himselfe or any assignes

      march betweene this and the said first of march, or afterward                            p. 86

      within the said yeare, to be delivered as aforesaid to him the

      said Leonard Calvert or his assignes in the case aforesaid

      And in case he shall not so doe, then he willeth & granteth

      that foure & twenty thousand weight of tobacco, be leavied vpon

      any the lands goods or chattells of him the said John Skinner:

      to the vse of him the said Leonard Calvert & his assignes.

      Recognit coram me             Leonard Caluert

        John Lewger.                John Skinner


        8 Giles Brent gent demandeth of Thomas Sterman 1 700 l

      tob & cask, and 4. bbrells of corne, due vpon acct & by assignmt

      from Mr Blount Esq.

        attachmt retorn Aprill next.


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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