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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 190   View pdf image (33K)
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                  190     court and Testamentary Business, 1642.


  Liber P. R. Eod: Mary Tranton widd: demandeth of Edward Cottam

                   carpr 1500 l tob 30 l tobacco or 20. barrells of corne, for so much

                   covenanted & vndertaken for vnto the plf by the deft for the

                   price of Anne Avery maid-servt

                     warrt to warne deft to satisfie, or shew cause 1st Apr. next

                   vpon pill iudgmt


                     Eod: Leonard Calvert Esq demandeth of Thomas Sterman

                   i 800 l tob & cask; due

                     attachmt retorn 1st Aprill next.


                     11 Peter macrill acknowledgeth himselfe to owe vnto John

                   dandy 300 l tob & cask, to be paid vpon demand after the

                   tenth of novemb next; & for security of the said paymt the

                   said Peter doth sell & make over vnto the said Jo: dandy, one

                   black cow wth a slitt in the right eare; & a little peice cropt off

                   the left eare; to have & to hold the said cow vnto him the

                   said John dandy & his assignes to the vse of him the said

                   Peter macrill vntill the said tenth of november, & in case the

                   said somme shall be then vnpaid, then to the sole & proper

                   vse of him the said John dandy & his assignes for ever

                     dec 1. released by the recognisee

                   Recognit coram me                    P M

                                John Lewger


                     Eod: Exequution versus Jo: hollis for 69' tob, to the vse of

                   Tho. Sterman, & Jo: Langford burgesses of Assembly, by

                   vertue of the assessmt of Assembly. return next Court.


                     Eod: Thomas Sterman demandeth of Marks Pheypo 1000 l

                   tob due vpon accompt for cask. & other accompts.

                     attachrnt & citaon to answere 1st Aprill next.


                     Tho. Cornwaleys Esq. demandeth of hangat Baker & ifran

                   cesco van Eynde 850 l tob wth cask due by bill


                     1 3. warrt to have the body of hangat baker at Court on

                   the 5th Aprill next to answere to suit of Capt Tho. Cornwaleys

                   in 850 l tob.


                     Eod. Cutbert ffennick gent deposed, that by the appointmt

                   of Giles Brent the Trear of the Prov: in the yeare 1639. he

                   paid vnto mr humphrey Basse 235' tob & cask vpon the acct

                   of Capt Tho: Cornwaleys Esq.

                   Jurat coram me

                     John Lewger


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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