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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 188   View pdf image (33K)
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                       185    court and Testamentary Business, 1642.


 Liber P. R. John hamton henry bishop Robinson barbr miles richd

                  James Cauther thomas bushell francis Stoure, thomas Allen,

                                           francis posie & John wheeler,

                                           ffugitives for debt.


                    John Lewger fined Walter Beane, 5 l tob for swearing (by

                  God) in pnce of the Court. And required the said waiter to

                  be of the Jury to present certaine things to he given them in

                  charge, & for his contempt in


 p. 85           1642


                    March 1 Thomas Boys p attorn John wayvill sheweth that

                  by confession of marmaduke Snow vpon record on the febr

                  1639. the said marmaduke is liable to pay to the petr the

                  charge of transporting 3000. Wt of tob to virginea, when it

                  should appeare what it was; & produced this day in Court

                  John hamton who testified vpon oath that he was witnesse to a

                  note vnderwritten by John Angud deceased, to this purpose

                  that he hath received of tho. boys 450' tob for the transport of

                  3000wt tob the debt of mr Snow, & 50 l tob more for standing

                  to hazards of it. & therefore prayeth iudgemt vpon that summe


                    And the Court adiudged according to the petition, the said

                  charge, at 500 l tob.


                    March 16. Iniunction to Nathaniel Pope to pay the iudgmt

                  & 50 l sheriff & 15. fees Cort


                    2d Exequution versus George Pye for 3000 l tob & fees, to

                  deliver iooo of it to John hollis for Lops vse, & the rest to

                  Lops Receiver Grall; retorn 1st Aprill next


                    Eod: publicaon to all psons clayrning to the ifugitives

                  estate, to enter clayme


                    Eod: Thomas Cater maketh oath, that in the hearing of

                  this depont Walter Beane & william howkins agreed &

                  bargained for the house & plantation of walter Beane in these

                  words, viz Walter Beane demanded 2000 l tob for the plantaon

                  to wch mr howkins replying that it was too much at last mr

                  howkins agreed to pay 1800 at 2. payments viz 800 this yeare

                  & 1000 the next; well then (saith walter Beanc) if you doe

                  pay me 800. this yeare & 1000 the next, the plantation is yours.

                  Jurat coram me

                    John Lewger.


                    4 John Smith linnen draper of London, p attornat, John


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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