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Court and Testamentary Business, 1642. 185
attachmt retorn 1st Aprill next; and to cite the defendt Liber P. R. publiquely in pnce of 2. or more neighbours, vpon perill of iudgmt 1642 p. 82 ffebruary: 2 1th attachmt vpon pson or goods of John Smith to answere to the appeale of Robt Clerk, & to warne the deft to appeare on 1 Aprill next vpon pill of iudgmt assumption of Tho. yewell infr p. 88
22 ffrancisco van Eynden demandeth of ffrancis Posie 270 l tob, due for the price of a suit of clothes sold to him by the plf attachmt vpon pson or goods of deft & to cite him to Court on 1st march next vpon pill of iudgmt
Eod: Edward Parker Sheriff, demandeth of John Robinson barbr 350 l tob; due for fees of imprisonmt writt to mary Courtny to stop so much of Jo. Rob, debt in her hands, without further order from Court, or the plaintf
25 ifrederick Johnson demandeth of Randoi Reveil twenty pound and a halfe of beaver due by bill to Richard Stevens deceased, whose widdow Exequutrix is since married to the plf attachmt vpon any tob. or goods of deft to answere 1st Aprill next: & to cite him to answere on the said day vpon pill of iudgnlt in absence. retorn eod:
27. Walter beane demandeth of Edward hall 500 l tob. due by bill, & 1. hogshead warning to the Cort on wednesday next, vpon pill of iudgmt
Eod. John dandy dernandeth of Thomas Boys 800 l tob & cask, due by accompt attachmt retoril 1st Aprill next. & to cite him vpon pill iudgmt
John Lewger demandeth of Thomas Boys 200 l tob due by accom pt attachmt retorn 1 st Aprill next : & to cite him at pill iudgmt
Eod henry bishop demandeth of xpofer Carnoll 500 l tob & cask due by bill. warning to Court, wednesday next. pill iudgmt
Eod: John Lewger complaineth of mr Giles Brent gent, for that whereas the said Giles contracted by covenant in writing to discharge the said John Lewger of a bill of 8000 l tob, due to mr Jngle for a valuable consideraon mentioned in the said
Volume 4, Page 185 View pdf image (33K) |
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