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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 184   View pdf image (33K)
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                   184     court and Testamentary Business, 1642.


 Liber P. R.  according to their evidence & conscience, & arguing &

                   pleading the crime agst the prisoner at the bar the said

                   George Pye in an insolent manner vpbraided & reproached

                   the whole Court in these or the like words, viz, that [if an

                   Englishman had beene killed by the Indians there would not

                   have beene so much words made of it] or to that effect, to the

                   great contempt & scandall of the Court, & the ill example of


                     the said George Pye for answere saith that he did not

                   speake the words objected agst him in the bill.

                     vpon the testimony of mr Thomas Greene vpon oath; the

                   Court found him guilty of a contempt & misdemeanor & fined

                   him 1000 l tob.


                     15. Thomas weston gent demandeth of Thomas Games,

                   580 l cask, due by bill

                     warrt to arrest defdt retornab 1st march next, or els 1st Aprill.


                     Eod: Thomas weston demandeth of ffrancis Rabnett, 200 l

                   tob & cask due by bill.

                     warrt to arrest deft retornab 1st march or els 1st Aprili.


                     16 John Medley demandeth of william Lewis, 3. servants,

                   viz Ralph haseldon, william Elson, and Rowland Maze, due

                   vnto the plf for the said william Lewis's default in paymt of

                   1800 l tob on 2d febr last, as by deed of mortgage appeareth:

                     attachrnm to highe Constable, St Clemts or deputy retornab

                   1st Aprill next, & command to cite the defendt at the time of

                   attachmt in pnce of 2. neighbors, to be at Cort on that day,

                   vpon pill of iudgemt


                     Eod. John Mansell (p attornat John wortly, vt dicit)

                   demandeth of William Broughe 450 l tob, wherof 400 l by bill,

                   & 50. by accornpt: assigned from Jo: dandy.

                             attachnlt retorn 1st march next. quo die ap

                   Sedent Secret:  .

                             peared will. broughe, & saith he never denied

                   the demand to the plf & the attachmt was released, & iudgmt

                   for the plf


                     Eod: James Neale gent demandeth of Randoll Revell 1600 l

                   tob & cask; for satisfaction of a trespasse in carrying out of

                   the Province william Cooke, on the 13th febr: last, agst whom

                   the plf had an action of debt vpon record on the 1 3th of January


                     James Neale gent demandeth of Randoll Revell, 500 l of tob;

                   by covenant for non payment of five tonne of cask the 1st of febr



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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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