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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 186   View pdf image (33K)
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                      186 Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.


 Liber P. R. deed of covenant, neverthelesse the said Giles Brent refuseth

                  so to doe; to the damage of the plf to the value of the said

                  1000 l tob.


                    28. George Binx demandeth of ffrancis Stowre 85' tob clue

                  for accompt of physick


                    This bill bindeth me william Broughe my heires & assignes

                  to pay vnto Leonard Calvert Esq his heires & assignes, 100 l of

                  good & merchantable tobacco in cask 8th febr: 1642

                    recognit p william broughe

                    the Court considered that the Govr should recover 100 l tob

                  & cask of will: Broughe


        p. 83 1642


                    ffebruary 27th John Lewger demandeth of Giles Brent

                  gent 3923 l tob; due vpon accompt, wherof 887. due wth cask.


                    John Lewger demandeth of Peter draper 500 l tob, for a

                  trespasse in taking & carrying away at broadcreek at Kent, 2.

                  hogsheads of tob the last yeare, marked wth the plfs mark &

                  received to his vse by his attorny Robt vaughan; & wherof the

                  said Peter draper was advertised & warned by the said Robt

                  vaughan that they were the tobaccos of the plf. marked &

                  received to the plfs vse.


                    March i. warrt to have John hollis afore Govr to putt in

                  caution for observing the pclamaon about trading wth the



                    Eod: attachmt vpon any the goods of Robt nicolls to

                  answere to the suit of Capt Tho. Cornwaleys in an action of

                  debt of 2320' tob.


                    Eod. Thomas Cornwaleys Esq. demandeth of Richard

                  Garnett 1558 l tob due vpon accompt.


                    william broughe dernandeth of John dandy.


                    Isac Edwards appeared for Edward hall to the suit of walter

                  Beane in 500 l tob. & 1hh & confessed the demand to be due.

                    the Court adiudged for the plaintif.


                    1 2. March exequution for the summe & 25 l fees of Court,

                  & sheriffs owne fees retorn 1st aprill.


                    Isac Edwards demandeth of John Elkin 500 l tob & 1. hogs

                  head due by bill.


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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