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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 183   View pdf image (33K)
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              court and Testamentary Business, 1642.     183


     Kedger, william Asiter, xpofer Carnoll, robt nicolls, william                    Liber P. R.

     hardige william howkins, Joseph Edlo, John halfhead, & Gerard

     fford, for that in a certaine verdict vpon the triall of John Elkin,

     on the third of ffebr last, touching a certaine endictmt of felony

     & murther wherof he then was arraigned for killing the Indian

     king of Yowocomoco, they returned that they found that the

     said John Elkin killed the said Indian, in his owne defence by

     having the same evidence given in to them by wch another Jury

     on the 9th of ffebr last, found the said John Elkin to be guilty

     of manslaughter & therefore prayeth that all the said former

     Jury be greivously fined according to the Law in that behalfe

       warnt Sher: or Rob: Kedgr to have body of Geo: Pye at Cort

     on monday next 1. clock afternoone.


       Eod: Simon Richardson made oath that vpon the 9th of this

     month to his best remembrance John Robinson barbr called

     this dept and in pnce of him acknowledged that he had received

     three hundred & odd pounds of tobacco of ffrancis Posie, in

     part of payment for the boate.



       appeared George Pye, at one of the clock after dinner, &

     ordered to bring ill his answere within an houre.

       And the said George Pye for answere saith that the verdict

     given by him was no fault nor he finabie for it.

          Govr      And the Court adiudged that he should

     Sedent Secretary

     Langforci forfeit to the Lord Proprietary 2000 l tob




       ffebruary 3th appeared william Cox, & denied that he said                 p. 81

     the words of slander obiected agst him by Anne Avery; &

     vpon the testimony of Edward Cottam, that he named daniel

     the Govrs irishman & described the wallnutt tree to be in the

     Captaines cow pen; & vpon his owne acknowledgemt that he

     said she had beene better ilave lien wth an irishman, in the

     moon light twice then have stolen his pott, & that he was

     told she did so by a woman;

       the Court found him to be guilty of a slander, & adiudged

     that he should publiqueiy ask her forgivenes in Court &

     acknowledge that he hath wronged her therin & should pay to

     her in reparation of her fame 1000 l tob & should be imprisond

     in irons till he pforme this iudgernt


       Eod: John Lewger on behaife of the Lord Proprietary

     informeth agst George Pye, for that in publique Court on the

     6. febr last, the Court importunately pressing & charging the

     Jury that were vpon the triall of John Elkin, to proceed


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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