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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 182   View pdf image (33K)
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                       182     Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.


Liber P. R.   fee, the said Robt nicolls said, if you take them you shall take

                   them all absolutely for I will have no more to doe wth them;

                   to wch the said John Wayvill replied, that he would take them

                   all absolutely. & thervpon Thomas davis wrote out the pticulars

                   of the debts out of the said John wayvilis book, & left them

                   wth Robt nicolls.



          p. 80 1642


                    ffebruary 10th wth consent of John Weyvill, in the pfice of

                   Robm nicolls assuming to meinteine all the debts assigned to be

                   iust & true, at his owne charge; the Secretary ordered that

                   John wayvill was to take absolutely all the debts conteined in

                   the bill delivered into the Court.


                    Eod: Simon Richardson made oath that he sold a rapier to

                   Edw. ffleete for 120 l tob stript and smoothe, & assignd over

                   the said debt at the value of 150 l tob to mr Britton, in discharge

                   of so much, & that the depont had a bill of the said Edw. ffleete

                   for the said 120 l tob; but hath since lost it by mischance.



                    Eod. william Britton gent acknowledgeth himselfe to owe

                   vnto the Lord Proprietary 1000 l tob, in case he shall kill any

                   swine of his owne mark, or any swine at all in his Lops forrests

                   & shall not bring or send both the eares (wth the skin betwixt)

                   of the swine so killed to the ffort within 2. months.

                                                   Willm Bretton


                    11.  warnt to have the body of Richard Cox on monday next

                   to answere to Anne Avery.


                    Eod. John Cook made oath that to his knowledge ffrancis

                   Askew (mr Langford's carpr) was sick at Pinie neck, & vnable

                   to work, for the space of a full week, to the best of the depots

                   remembrance, about the latter end of July last; And that

                   about the latter end of June or the beginning of July afore, the

                   said ffrancis being appointed by ffranc Gray to work wth the

                   depont for one week at Cornwaleys-Crosse, caine not till

                   monday after dinner, being employed as he said by his Master

                   Langford that morning, & anon after his coming, was not able

                   to work as he said by reason of sicknes, nor did work all these

                   foure dayes following, vntiil ffriday morning.



                    Eod: John Lewger on the behalfe of the Lord Proprietary

                   informeth agst david whitcliff, George Pye, Arthur le hay, robt


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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