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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 181   View pdf image (33K)
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               Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.     181


         9. Anne Avery corn plaineth agst Richard Cox, for a slander,                         Liber P. R.

       for saying of her, that daniel (the Govrs irish man) had lien

       wth her 2. moonshiny nights vnder a walnutt tree; to the

       damage of the plf to the value of 1000 l tob.

         warrt to have the body of deft. at Court at 1. clock after



         Eod: margarett Brent, demands of ffrancis Stoures 1200 l tob

       & cask.


         Eod: John hollis demandeth of Richard duke 800 l tob &

       cask due by bill & accot

         warrt to will. Lewis to warne deft retorn 1st march next vpon

       pill iudgmt


       Sedent in Cur

       Govr         Eod: the Sheriff returned for his Jury, to

          Secretary trie by the former evidence

       Nathaniel Pope  Anthony rawlins Robt wiseman

       John Cook       John price      william Broughe

       Thomas Boys     Simon richardson   mr britton

       Thomas Todd     John wavill     John hatche

       who were sworne to give true verdict &c.

         mr Greene & ffrancis Gray, were likewise returned, by the

       sheriff, but were challenged pemptorily by the prisoner.

         Then in the pnce of the prisoner, the same evidence was

       given to the said Jury, as had beene given to the former; viz

       the Confessions of the prisoner, & of John Robinson & Miles

       Ricards. And the Jury returned for their verdict, that they

       found him guilty of manslaughter.


         10. Simon Richardson made oath that in the pnce of this

       depont vpon notice from the depont that his the deponts debt to

       Robt nicolls was paid; he John wayvill desired of Rob. nicolls

       certaine debts againe wch he had returned to Robt nicolls &

       Robt nicolls refusing to lett him have them vnles he would take

       them all absolutely, the said John wayvill, said he would take

       them all absolutely; and since that time this depont hath beene

       demanded of the said Jo: Wayvill, his said debt.



         Eod. Philip white made oath, that in his pnce Robt nicolls

       charged John wayvill for some negligence in the collecting of

       his debts, & desired him to returne them vnto him againe and

       he would collect them himselfe; to wch the said John Wayvill

       alledging what paines he had taken then & that it was not

       reasonable to take them from him now without paying him his


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 181   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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