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Court and Testamentary Business, 1642. 173
500 l tob; neverthelesse the said Robinson & Miles have con- Liber P. R. federated together to clefeit the plf of the said tobaccos, & the same or some of it have paid & made away; & therefore prayeth that they may be examined vpon interrogatories touch ing the said trespasse. have afore me without delay John Robinson barber, and Miles Ricketts, to answere to such Interrogatories as on the be halfe of mr John Lewger shalbe obiected vnto them, touching a certaine trespasse committed by them vpon certaine tobaccos seised by exequution to the vse of the said Jo: Lewger, And returne this writt afore the 25th of this instant month.
Eod: Robt Kedger demandeth of Thomas Pursall 450 l tob, due by bill assigned from Anthony Belcher. attachmt vpon any tob or goods of deft to answere 1st Aprill next.
23. John hollis demandeth of Peter macrill 500' tob due p. 73 vpon accompt. warrt to warne deft to be at Cort on 1st febr: next vpon pill of iudgemt
Eod: warrant to Tho: hebden to bring afore the Govr Jo: Robinson barbr John Elkin, and miles Riccards to satisfie him of the reasons why they killed the Indian king of yowocomoco
24. william howkins demandeth of Rich: Nevett 71 l tob due by acct warrt to highe Constable St Clemt to warn deft retorn 1st febr next.
Eod. william howkins demandeth of waiter broadhurst 111 l tob; due by acct warrt to highe Constable of St Clements to warne deft retorn 1st febr next
copie of indenture from This Indenture made the 1th decemb Jo. hilierd to Jo: hollis 1642 betweene John hilierd of St Michels in the Prov: of Maryland of the one party, & John hollis of the hundred & pvince aforesaid of the other party, witnesseth, that the said John hilierd for & in consideration of eleven hundred pounds of tobacco paid vnto and for the vse of the said John hillierd by the aforesaid John hollis, witnesseth that the said John hillierd for & in consideration of the somme of tobacco abovesaid, doth by these pnts covenant bargaine & bind him selfe for to serve the foresaid John hollis & his exequutors & assignes one whole yeare from the day of the date hereof.
Volume 4, Page 173 View pdf image (33K) |
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