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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 174   View pdf image (33K)
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                      174 Court and Testamentary Business, T 642.


  Liber P. R.    And it is agreed on that the foresaid John hollis

          p 74 1642 January

                          his exequutors & assignes shall have the whole

                  benefitt and proceed of the labour of the said John hillierd

                  during the terme of time above mentioned; and for the true

                  pformance hereof I have herevnto sett my hand the day of the

                  date above written.

                  signed & dd. in the pnce of  signed, John Hillerd.

                    John hollis, John wayvill.

                    24th Came John hillerd & acknowledged the Indenture

                  aforesaid to be his act & deed

                  coram me John Lewger Secretary.


                    25th warrt to sheriff St maries, or deputy, to warne 24 of

                  most able & discreet ffreemen to be at Court afore 9. clock

                  morn: 1st febr: next, there to enquire of or try, such matters as

                  on behalfe of Lop shall be given them in charge, vpon paine of

                  100 l tob. return then (if he may).


                    Eod: Cyprian Thorowgood demandeth of Nathaniel Pope

                  satisfaction for a trespasse done to the plf by killing the plfs

                  swine to the damage of the plf to the value of 2000 l tob.

                    warrt to warne Tho: Boys, Tho: white, Tho: baker (Pope's

                  servt) John Cook, John norman, william Lafley, Edw: Ebbs: to

                  be at Cort 1st febr. to testifie.

                    warrt to warne defdt to answere retornab 1st febr. next.


                    ffebruary 1. Richard Banks (p attorn Tho: Gerard)

                  demandeth of Simon Richardson 240 l tob due by bill 10th

                  nov. last.

                                 warrt to highe Constable of St Clements

                  Sedent in cur               .

                     Leiutt Grall    to warne deft to satisfy, or keepe him in

             Secretary vacat         custody till he putt in security to be at


                                Court on 1st Aprill next


                    Eod: Came the said Simon Richardson & acknowledged

                  the debt demanded.


                    Eod: Cutbert ffenwick demandeth of Thomas Sterman

                  5500 l tob & cask due by bill

                    attachmt in forma consuet retornab 1st march next


                    Eod: Robert Smith and Thomas Yewell entred their appear

                  ance to the suit of Capt: Tho Cornwaleys in an action of




       p. 75 1642

                    febr 1st John Hollis sheweth that whereas there was on the


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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