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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 172   View pdf image (33K)
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                     172 court and Testamentary Business, 1 642.


 Liber P. H. Eod. will. hardige demandeth of John Sutton 24& tob; due

                  by accompt.

                    warrt to warne deft to next Court vpon perill of iudgmt


                    Eod. Jane Cockshott widd: demandeth of Thomas orly 420 l

                  tob due by acct for goods for himselfe & prettiman.

                    warrant to warne deft to next Court vpon pill of iudgemt


                    Eod. Robt nicolls demandeth of daniel duffill 54 l tob; due

                  for diett

                    warrt to attach any wearing clothes or other goods to that

                  value; retorn 1st febr. next


                    Eod Robt nicolls demandeth of John Robinson barbr 780 l

                  tob due by accompt & bill.

                    attachmt vpon any goods, retornab 1st febr next.


                    Eod. Robt nicolls demandeth of Tho. Allen pformance of

                  a bargaine of 20. daies work for so much work lent him in the

                  crop last summer.

                    warrt to take the body of deft & keepe him safe, vntill he

                  putt in security to pforme, or shew cause at next Court.


      p. 72 1642


                    January 17. Robt nicolls demandeth of hangat baker 144 l

                  tob due by accot for diett.

                    warrt to warne him to Court on 1. febr. next vpon pill of



                   18  James Neale gent, demandeth of John hamton 3. gonnes,


                    4 l beaver, 1. p steelyards 1. case of bottles empty, 1.

                       cloth suit & 1. p dimethy drawers; being the goods of


                  william holmes; and demanded by the plf. toward satisfaction

                  of 1000 l tob, paid by the plf to rnr Greene for the said william.


                    Eod. attachmt vpon the goods of will. holmes in the hands

                  of Jo. hamton, to deliver them to sheriff, or shew cause on or

                  afore 1. febr. next. the attachmt for holmes to answere the

                  suit of Ja: neale at or afore the first of Aprill next.


                    Eod. attachmt vpon Colonel Traffords goods to answere to

                  suit of Geo: Binx, in action 300 l tob. 1st Aprill next.


                    Eod. John Lewger sheweth agst John Robinson barbr &

                  miles Ricketts that whereas on the Novemb last, an exe

                  quution was laid by the sheriff vpon the tobacco's of the said

                  Robinson, to the vse of the plf for the levying of a iudgmt of


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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