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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 171   View pdf image (33K)
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         Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.     171


          ad 1 o. that he answered afore to it.                                                 Liber P. R.

          ad 11. he knoweth not how many, but he thinketh they have

        killed halfe a score this winter; he saw vpon the heads the

        eares of 3. only that he was at the killing of, (supra ad 6.) but

        he saw no eare cropt on the left side of any of the rest.

          ad 1 2. he knoweth not how many having beene long absent

        thence, none sold that he knoweth, none of them bacond, nor

        fitt for bacon: & very little meat left in the house, vnless of a

        marked hog of Rob: Smith's owne.

          ad 1 3. Robt Smith hath 6 sowes & a boare in the woods, 3

        yeare aged & 2. or 3. shotes since, but what Tho. yewell hath

        he knoweth not: & more he cannot say to this Interrogatory

                                     the mark of walter

                                     walterlin. +


          1 6 Thomas hebden demandeth of Colonel ffrancis Trafford

        Esq 600 l tob due by accot as p bill vpon file.


          18. attachmt vpon goods of deft retorn 1st aprill next


          16. Antonio deleymos, a portuguese belonging to Colonel

        Trafford, made oath that at the quarter Court at James towne

        in decemb last, this dept saw m Hampton clerk make oath that

        daniel scoffin was his the said mr hamtons servant for 7. or 8.

        months but wch he remembreth not: & that the said mr hamton

        produced then in Court the Indentures of the said daniel to one

        in virginea, whose interest for the terme vnexpired as aforesaid

        the said mr hamton bought.



          1642    xpofer Carnoll saith vpon his oath, that ever since              p. 71

              that the Colonoll's corne came in, he & Ellis have

        January 16 spent of that corne, & likewise John harwood from


        the time that he bought the crop of Ellis, vntill the crop was in

        the house, & some 2. or 3. daies afore he went over to John

        Cook, & Ellis spent of it till he went to virginea, & since his

        going this dept of it to the quantity of a bushell & halfe & no

        more; & no otherwise the corne hath beene vsed or wasted to

        the knowledge of this dept and that about a month afore the

        coming in of the said corne of the Colonell, Ellis beach brought

        over 4. hogsheads of come in eares, to wch the Colonells corne

        was putt, & so hath beene spent of together:



          17. william Asiter demandeth of Hangat Baker 210 l tob

        due by bill from him & Jo. Robinson barbr

          attachmt vpon any goods, retorn 1st febr: next. & vna an

        attachmt for mr Lewger in a cause of debt of 900 l tob.


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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