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170 Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.
Liber P. R. Eod: warrt to bring afore Govr daniel Scoffin to answere to such things as on Colonell Traffords behalfe should be objected agst him.
17. John Lewger Esq demandeth of Colonell Trafford six pounds fifteene shillings, or the value of it in tobacco, due vpon cleare accompt; viz 960' tob & cask.
1st attachmt vpon goods of deft retorn 1st Aprill next
1642 January 1 3. Thomas Gerard gent, p attornat James Neale, demandeth 600. Wt of tob of william Cook, due by accompt. warrt to sheriff to arrest the deft. & keepe him safe till he putt in security to answere retorn next Court 1st febr.
14. walter walterlins deposed to Interrogatories on the behalfe of Capt Cornwaleys saith ad 1. that he knoweth not any thing ad 2. that he doth not know how often they did goe forth, to hunt hoggs; but once to St Jeromes: & they were then out some 3. daies. ad 3. he was at St Jeromes when the other were there, & went thether to fetch home the meat as they had killed, but staid not an houre there: & carried home by land 2. wild vnmarked shotes wherof 1. was a bore shote & the other a sow shote, about a twelve month old a peice: ad 4. the boat went but once to S. Jeromes, carried out by this dept & Edmond Eason & Stermans man George; ad 5. they brought home by boate 1. bore & 2. sow shotes, about a twelve month old apiece delivered & spent by 3. shares betweene Robt Smith, & Tho. yewell, & steven thomas. ad 6. that he hath beene hunting this winter wth Robt Smith & Tho. yewell in their owne neck, & have killed some 3 sow shotes & 1. boare of about halfe yeare old vnrnarked, wch were in company of the depts owne hogs, & of baidridge's & of Rob. Smith's; they were killed by dogg: ad 7. that he was not at the killing of the sow WIt the bunch on her back, but went to St Jeromes to fetch her home by boate as is afore sett downe. they were singed afore he came, so that he knoweth not the colour. ad 8. that none of them was marked; but how or where killed he knoweth not. ad 9. the eares were cutt off afore this dept came thether, they were afterward as he thinketh brought to the ffort; he knoweth not who cutt out their bellies, being cutt out afore he came: no belly peices taken out as he knoweth, but all three cutt vi) alike.
Volume 4, Page 170 View pdf image (33K) |
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