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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 167   View pdf image (33K)
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                 Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.     167


         End. Tho: Gerard gent acknowledged that he hath received                   Liber P. R.

       310 l tob wt} cask of John dandy in full discharge of a bill to

       that value of John dandie's vnto mr Holmes, which discharge

       he had authority for from mr Holmes;


         9th warrt to sheriff to warne Robt Smith & Thomas yewell

       to be at Cort on 1st febr: next to answere to Capt: Cornwaleys

       in action trespasse, vpon -pill of iudgemt


         Eod: wart to sheriff to warne Tho. Sterman, waiter waterlin,

       and steven thomas to be at St maries on 14th of this month to

       answere to interrogator in causa prdict. vpon pill 50 l tob a peice

         21. attachmt vpon any goods; retornab' Eod.


         10 Mary Tranton demandeth p attornat: Tho: Greene of

       william howkins 360 l tob. due by bill & accompt, and seven

       barrells of corne due by bill.

         sumons to sheriff, to warne deft to be at Court 1st febr: next


         febr: 6. the said will: howkins acknowledgeth the demand

       to be due


         11. the taxaon of the fees, in a cause of debt of 1000 l tob;

       recovered by Capt Cornwaleys   versus Peter Macrill & Jo:

       Robinson barbr

          to Secret           to Sheriff

       3. entries; 15 lexequution; at 5. p cent. 50

       exequution 15.


         Eod: exequution vpon the iudgmt & 70 l p fees; retorn

       1st febr. next.



         Eod: Thomas Sterman demandeth of John norton 74 l tob

       due vpon accot as p file.

         attachmt vpon tob; retorn 1st febr: next.


         Interrogatories administred to Tho: Sterman vpon oath


         ad 1. that Robt Smith was by agreemt to have one third of

       what was gotten; and Thomas Yewell & steven Thomas other

       2. thirds.

         ad 2. that at one time they were 3. daies out a hunting, or

       thereabout, but how often he knoweth not, but he said that

       some loure times they brought home small shotes, but more he

       remembreth not any certainty of.

         ad 3. that his boate went once vp Jo. nortons creek & once

       to St michaells pointward

         ad 4. that when the boat went to St michaels point ward,


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 167   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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