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168 court and Testamentary Business, 1642.
Liber P. R. waiter waterlin & Edmond Eason brought home 2. gelts & 3. shotes, & a deane or two; & when they came from nortons creek, he thinketh they brought home one small boare & a sow shote; ad 5. he knoweth of no more then the former brought home by Tho: Yewell or any other; in any number; but twice as neane as he can remember Tho. Yewell brought home one small shote at a time. ad 6. he hath no bacon in the house of these piggs or any other; nor none hath made this yeare. ad 7. none of them were barrowes, the rest the eares were all brought to the Govts ad 8. none sold. ad 9. they had no marks as he saw or hath heard, nor knoweth out of what companies nor where they were killed. but hath heard them say they kild the first five about St Jerome's ad 10. he saw the Sowes of some of them, but took no notice of them, and he knoweth nothing but that the eares were all carried vp to the towne ad i 1. that Rob Smith hath some hogs in the woods but how many he knoweth not, & that Tho. Yewell lost 1. sow ad 1 2. they brought home none of their owne as he knoweth. mark of T Thomas Sterman
p.69 1642 January 1 1th Interrogator admred to John Yewell vpon oath. ad 1. he knoweth of no agreemt but when they came home, Robt Smith had 1/3 and tho: yewell another, & Stephen Thomas another ad 3. the longest they staid was from monday till thursday night, but some came home in meane time, & that they went out for swine some 4 or 5 times to the best of his remembrance. ad 4. the boat went once to the head of Jo. nortons creek, & once to St Jeromes. ad 5. from Jo. nortons creek they brought 2. sow shotes a boar shote (as he remembereth) & a deare, & from S. Jeromes they brought home (to the best of his remembrance) 5 or 6 small shotes, wherof 2 of them were a yeare old, & boare shotes, to the best of his remembrance; but at what places he knoweth not, but he heard them say it was about S. Jenomes; they were kilid gonnes as he hath heard of Stephen; ad 6. he remembreth a matter of a dozen small swine killed by them; ad 7. they were all brought home to his fathers. ad 8. no bacon hath beene made of them ad 9. never at any their quarters.
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