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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 166   View pdf image (33K)
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                  166 Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.


Liber P. R.  Jo: Prettitnan assignd his

                 interest in the iudgmt to Jo. Ormsby

                        January 2d


                    And the said John Thomson, acknowledgeth the demand to

                  be due, & is willing that iudgemt be entred agst him, at any

                  time vpon demand of the plis febr: the Court adiudged for

                  the plfs


                    Eod: exequution for 560 l tob to Jo: Ormsby.


                    John hampton made oath, that about a month agone in the

                  hearing of this deponent, Richard Browne did covenant with

                  the Governr to serve him from the time of his being free from

                  ffrancis Gray in this month of January, vntill Christmas follow

                  ing, and to doe all labours except beating bread, & if it should

                  please God to visit him with sicknes above a fortnight, to make

                  it good at the end of his said termne, and in leiu of his service,

                  the Governr cove nanted to pay him 3. bbrels of come, 1500 l tob

                  and a wastcoat.

                  Jurat coram me

                    John Lewger.


                    5th warrt to sheriff to demand & receive from nich: hervey


                 all those things he tooke lately from Chapoy Simm & his com

                      pany, & to deliver them to Manascott of Patuxent & to

                  vacat   .

                      bring nich. hervey forthwith afore Goverr & all those who

                  were pnt when he shott at the Indians & killed one of them.



                    Eod. a warrant to nich: hervey to be afore Govr to morrow

                  morning, to receive such order touching the late Accident as

                  shalbe thought fitt.


                    Eod: Thomas Cornwaleys Esq demandeth of John Hampton

                  1000 l tob, due vpon accompt.

                    attachmt to sheriff, vpon any the corne of deft. returnab

                  ffebr: next


                    Eod: Leonard Calvert Esq: &c. demandeth of John Hampton

                  300 l tob; due vpon accompt.

                    attachmt to sheriff vpon the tob or corne of deft in forma

                  consuet; retorn 1st febr next.


                    Eod. Capt Tho: Cornwaleys demandeth of ffrancis Gray


         p. 68 January 7th Randoll Revell demandeth of william wright

                  and Richard Banks 1916 l tob due by accompt.

                    attachmt vpon tobacco or goods retornd 1st febr next


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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