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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 165   View pdf image (33K)
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           Court and Testamentary Business, 1642. 165


        John dandy made oath that he hath not in his hands any of                Liber P. R.

       the goods of william holmes & that ffrancis Gray bought a

       gunne of the said william, & more he knoweth not of.


        Eod. marks Pheypo complaineth agst the sheriff for attach

       ing his tobacco at the suit of George Binx & william Lafly


        henry bishop saith vpon oath that he doth not know who killed

       the ewe of mr brent vpon Kent, nor hath heard who did it


        marks Pheypo entred recognisance in forma consueta, & had

       licence to kill swine in forma consueta

      december warrt to Sheriff to have afore Governr Thomas                  p. 67

        30th Allen francis Stoure and Tho. white and the maid


      servt of widd Cockshott to testifle,

        31     Govr  Came afore the Court Thomas

                Secretary  white, Thomas Allen, & ffrancis


               mr blountStoure, by warrt to answere to such

        mr Surveyor             things as should be obiected agst

       them, and Michael Hacker spinster aged 20 yeares, (maid

       servt of Jane Cockshott wicid:) being sworne to give true

       evidence, said vpon her oath that vpon wednesday evening

       last, this deponent being in her maistresses house at St Inigos,

       thomas white came to this depont & asked her whether she

       would see her brother in virginea, & she asking him how she

       might doe so, he told her that he & francis Stoure & his wife

       were to goe downe to virginea, in a canow of mr coplie's, &

       she might goe with them, & that he would carry her down &

       she might be freed from this service wherin now she lived there,

       or words to that purpose, & told her that franc Stoure was to

       borrow the canow of mr Coply, to carry some corne to John

       nortons & thence would take the canow away.

        then the Court demanded the said thomas white how he

       would be tried, & he demanded to be tried by the country, &

       prayed time to find security for the charge; & had time given

       him till monday next; but anon repented himselfe & putt him

       selfe for triall vpon the Court. And the Court found him

       guilty of a misdemeanor, & adiudged that he should be whipped

       wth thirty stripes, & that he should be imprisoned vntill he putt

       in security to the value of 1000 l tob, not to depart vnlawfully

       out of the province,

        warrant of exequution to sheriff, retornable afore Monday

       night next.


        Eod: John Ormsby and John Prettiman demand of John

       Thomson one thousand Wt of tobacco, due vpon accompt.


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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