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Court and Testamentary Business, 1642. 159 1642 Liber P. R.
December 2d Anthony Rawlins demandeth of Thomas p. 62 ifranclin & Peter macrill 500 l tob for satisfaction of damage for taking away the plfs boate from Jo. half hides landing place. sumons to defts to answere on monday next.
Eod: Richard Garnett demandeth of henry bishop and Simon demibiel five hundred wt of tob due by bill, & 1 25 l tob for damage of non payment the last yeare. attachmt in forma consuet retorn 1st february next.
Eod Jo. Robinson demandeth of Anthony Rawlins 500 l tob in restitution of so much paid to the said Anthony for price of a tenement at the ffort, wch tenemt is taken away from the plf. by the L. G. sumons to deft to answere retorn monday next. the Secretary adiorned the Court till the next morning.
Eod. William howkins dernandeth of william Parry of Kekotan 3000' tob for satisfaction of damage of non pformance of covenants vndertaken to the plf. by the deft attachmt vpon any the debts of the deft to that value, retorn 1st febr next.
3 Robt nicolls appeared to answere to the suit of mrs mary Tranton vpon summons; and to the suit of John Hollis; & prayed damage to be allowed him. and the cause was respited till monday next.
Eod: walter king demandeth of John Guy 4. barrells of come due by acconipt for so much lent to him.
Eod. Arthur le Hay appeared to the suit of Isaac Edwards & acknowledgeth that he oweth vnto him 838 l tob, but no more, nor with cask. the Court adiorned till monday next. criminall bill agst mr Eod. John Lewger Attorny for the Lord G. Brent Proprietary informeth to the Court against
Giles Brent gent, for that whereas the said Giles Brent by order from the Leiutenant Grall vndertook a service vpon the Sesquihanoughs & other enemies of this Province about the 21th of September last, & received from him a Commission vnder the great Scale authorising him to that purpose, never thelesse the said Giles Brent afterward of his owne discretion refused & did not exequute the said Commission at the time when he should & might & anon after at another time having
Volume 4, Page 159 View pdf image (33K) |
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