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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 158   View pdf image (33K)
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                  158     court and Testamentary Business, 1642.


Liber P. R.  months 600 l & for a canow. 60 l & therefore prayeth discompt

                   for so much agst the plf. And the Secretary demanded of the

                   plf. what he had to except. who said that so much was not due

                   as was demanded; And the Secretary adiudged that the deft.

                   should recover in discompt 200 l tob for diett of Tho. ward

                   & 60 l for a canow. and that the plf should recover the residue

                   of his demand, viz 240 l tob.


                    John prettiman appeared to the suit of Cutbert ffennick, &

                   the plf. not being there was dismisses till monday next.


                    John wayvill appeared for william hardige to prosequute

                   agst tho. Allen who appeared not & the iudgemt was respited

                   till monday next.


                    John wavill appeared for Jane Cockshott to prosequute agst

                   william Asiter, & lie not appearing, & the sheriff testifying

                   that he was thereabout this morning, the Secretary found him

                   to goe away in contempt of the court, & therevpon adiudged

                   for the plf. 415 l of tob.


                    John wavill appeared for will. hardige to prosequute agst

                   Cxpofer Carnoll & he not appearing, prayed, iudgemt for his

                   default; & iudgemt was respited till monday next


                    william Broughe appointed John womtley for his attorny.


                    In a cause bctweenc George Binx & Richard Coxe, for

                   physick the Secretary found for the plaintif, 300 l tob, & the

                   deft to returne to the plf. one pa-p of powder.

                    19.     nov: 1644. Seine facias ret 1st dec next


                    In a cause betweenc Cutbert fennick and John prettiman,

                   touching a trespasse the cause was respited till monday.


                    Marks Pheypo (at the requiring of Nicolas Cossin) made

                   oath that to his knowledge nicolas Cossin in Virginea left in

                   the charge of Thomas pursall one cask wth tobacco in it to the

                   quantity of halfe a hogshead or thereabouts, & that he made

                   the said Tho. pursall his attorny in virginea, & more he knoweth



                    Isaac Edwards appeared to prosequute agst John Elkin &

                   Arthur hay; & the sheriff returning that he could not say they

                   had beene warnd in pson, the cause was respited till monday



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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 158   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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