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Court and Testamentary Business, 1642. 157
And 100 l tob. was allowed him to be assessed vpon the Liber P. R. Province.
The cause depending betweene James Cauther & Edmond Eason respited till Satturday next.
In a cause of 9571 tob betweene John wavill & Isac Edwards by bill the said Isaac acknowledged the bill to be due And the Court thervpon found for the plf.
sumons to warne Richard Cox to answere to Geo. Binx p. 60 without delay in a cause of debt of 350l tob. vpon pill of iudgemt
Eod. william Broughe demandeth of John Elkin 220 l of tob due, viz 200 for a gonne & 20. p corne. sumons to defendt to answere the first february next, then retorn the Court was adiorned till next day
1642 in a cause of debt betweene Anthony Rawlins phf. p. 61 December 2d and John dandy deft. for 2181 tob, vpon the oath of the deft for 150' that he did not owe it, the Secretary ad iudged, that the plf should recover 681 tob.
Eod. James Cauther demandeth of the estate of John Angud deceased 1 000 l Wt of tob, & 1. iron pott.
John wayvill appeared to prosequute agst Richard hills, who appeared not whervpon the said John Wavill prayed iudgemt & the Secretary continued the attachmt in force agst the tob of the said rich: hills vntill his appearance, but respited the iudgemt till monday next.
John wavill appeared for will. hardige, to answere to the suit of william howkins in an action of debt of 655 l tob, & assumed in behalfe of the said william to pforme iudgemt of Court; whervpon the Secretr released the attachmt;
to the demand of Jane Cockshott widd: of 654 l tob, wherof 324. wth cask ffrancis Posie acknowledgeth the demand to be due, wherefore the Secretary considered that the plf. should recover.
In a cause of debt betweene John wavill plf. & Richard Nevett deft the deft pleaded that the deft is the attorny of Thomas ward & the debt demanded its belonging to Tho. ward, wch Thomas ward is indebted to the deft for diett 3.
Volume 4, Page 157 View pdf image (33K) |
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