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156 Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.
Liber P. R. Brent deft to the best of your conscience according to your evidence So helpe you God &c. mr weston amerced 50 l tob for not appearing to be of the Jury, afore the swearing, mr Brent excepted agst mr Binks, as being a convictor of the plaintif, & having expressed his in clination in the cause; but the Court admitted not the exception. the Leiutent grall giving information to the Jury, the Jury desired it might be vpon oath, els they could not take notice of it. whervpon the Leiutent grall was sworne in Court, & examined vpon such Interrogatories as the Jury desired to be administred to him then was the issue delivered in writing to the Jury, and they returned that they found for the defendt 5th decemb. 1642. his Lops Attorny said that the Court ought not to goe to iudgemt vpon the said verdict, the issue being ioined in a sense vnderstood one way by the plaintif, & construed to another by the defendt & therefore ought to be new ioined in certaine forme of Law
Eod. the allegation of mr Lewger touching the pson of Mathias de Sousa agst the exequution of John Hollis was found for mr Lewger & adiudged by the Court that the covenant of the said mathias for disposing of his pson to the satisfaction of mrs Lewgers just debts was valid, & that exequution was to issue vpon his pson on behalfe of the said John hollis in the same order & to the same effect as other exequutions vpon goods.
Eod. in the cause betweene Richard Gannett & Richard Cox deft the Court found for the plf. 50' tob & 3. bbushels 3 pecks of come wch the deft had tendred afore & therefore was not in default, nor to pay charge.
p. 59 1642
December 1st whereas there was by command of the L. G. two of my servants taken from me the one for a month the other for 3. weeks, and 10 l of powder & 1481 of shott & lead for wch he desireth satisfaction to the value of 500 l of tob for the powder & shott, 200 l tob for the hire of the men, the one being a seaman and Master of my vessell Tho: Cornwaleys ordered by the Govr Let there be an assessmt made for the levying of this accompt vpon the Province
John hollis demandeth 200 l tob for boathire for the ex pedition.
Volume 4, Page 156 View pdf image (33K) |
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