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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 155   View pdf image (33K)
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             court and Testamentary Business, 1642.     155

      1642                                                                                                  Liber P. R.


        December 1st Anthony Rawlins demandeth of John Thatcher

      three hundred wt of tob due by bangaine for a crop sold to

      him by the plf.

        attachmt in forma consuet retorn 1st february next.


        Eod. Seise the person of mathias de Sousa to satisfie vnto

      John hollis 500 l tob wth cask wch he hath recovered of him by

      iudgemt of Court: and what you shall doe herin certifle without

      delay after such yor seisure.

      To sheriff of St maries


        Eod. Caine William howkins & denieth the demand of Jo.

      hollis of & 90 l tob. and the Court found for the plf.


        Eod. nicolas hervey demandeth of Henry bishop 860 l tob.

      due by bill

        attachmt vpon goods of deft in forma consuet, retorn 1st febr



        Eod. warrt to sheriff or deputy to warne John hamton to

      be at Court on monday next to testifie in the cause betweene

      James Cauther & Edmond Easin, vpon pill of 50 l tob.


        Lod. Thomas Gerard gent demandeth of Ellis Beach 300 l

      tob & cask, for the price of 3 hoggs by contract.

        attachmt vpon any goods of deft to answere, retorn febr.




        Eod: George Binx demandeth of Richard Coxe 350 l tob,

      due for physick



                               Leonard Calvert Esq

                                John Lewger Secretary

                       Sedentib in curia

                                Capt william Blount

                               John Langford esq


        the sheriff returned his panell to try the cause betweene his

      Lops attorny and mr Giles Brent; viz, Cutbert ffennick, Thomas

      Greene, James Neale, George Binx, nicolas hervy, John price,

      francis posie, david whitcliff, george Pye thomas hebden, waiter

      Beane & peter macrill: who named for foreman James Neale

      gent who was sworne in this forme, you shall keepe your owne

      & your fellowes counsell in such things as shall privately passe

      betwixt you & them afore the Jury returned, & you shall

      truely trie & true verdict give in the cause now depending

      betweene his Lops Attorny in behalfe of the colony & mr Giles


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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