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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 154   View pdf image (33K)
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                      154 court and Testamentary Business, 1642.


 Liber P. R. wetherlies within the Province to that value vntill he or some

                  other in his behalfe have putt in security to answere her suit &

                  to pforme iudgeint of Court therin.


                    Eod. walter Beane demandeth of Thomas hebden three

                  thousand weight of tobacco due vpon accompt.

                    waiter Beane withdrew this action; 2d decemb. 1642.


                    Eod. Jane Cockshott widd complaineth agst Jane the wife

                  of david whitcliff for vnlawfull dealing wth her the plaintifs

                  maidservt & taking & keeping from her one red base wastcoat

                  lined wth silk galon, wch she received of the said manservt &

                  deteineth from her to the damage of the plf. to the value of

                  100 l tob.


                    Eod sumons to warne deft to restore, or shew cause on the

                   decemb next.


                    Eod. attach any the goods or debts of or belonging to

                  Richard wetherly mariner, in whose hands soever, to the value

                  of 3000wt tob vntill the said richard putt in security to answere

                   febr: next, return then.


                    Eod. John Hoilis carpenter demandeth of Robert nicolls

                  3030 l tob due by bill & accompt viz, by bill wth cask 2300 l

                  damage of non paymt of this at 25. p cent is 53& for transport

                  of the tobacco to virginea; 200 l

                    Sumons to warne deft to answere on Satturday next.


                   29. Jo. Lewger demandeth of John machins estate 74 l

                       Rcbt hedger demandeth of John macbins estate 1 10 l


                    December 1. George Binx demandeth of Cutbert ffennick

                  gent, 3 l 1/4 beaver due by accompt for 3 gg of sack dd


                    Eod. the said Cutbert ffenwick denieth to owe the beaver

                  demanded and the Court dismissed the deft without day.


                    Eod. John hollis complaineth agst francis Gray, & James

                  Linsir Pursall's man, for killing swine of the plaintifs mark

                  vnlawfully, to the damage of the plf. to the value of 5001 tob

                  the said francis Gray saith that he did kill one marked bore in

                  his owne ground, but whose it was he knoweth not.

                    the Court found for the plf. 200 l tob.


                    Eod. John hollis demandeth of ffrancis Gray 1 366 l tob due

                  vpon accornpt.

                    the said francis Gray denieth the demand to be due.


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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