aforesd to take life or Member But that in every such case you
send the prisoners with theire Inditemt and the whole matter
depending before you to the next provincl Cot to be holden
for this our province whensoever or wheresoever to be holden
there to be tryed And further wee doe hereby Authorize you
to Issue writts processes Arrests & Attachmts to hold plea of
Oyer & Terminer and after Judgmt Execucon to award in all
causes Civill whether in Actions reall or personall where the
thing in Action doth not exceed the value of three thousand
pounds of tobacco According to the Lawes Ordrs and reasonable
Customes made and used in this our province of Maryland in
wch Causes Civill soe to be tryed Wee doe Constitute Ordaine
and appoint you Samuel Withers Robert Burle Capt Wm Burges
and Thomas Taylor to be Judges as aforesd unless some
One of our Councell be then in Court and therefore wee
Comand you tht you dilligently intend the keeping of the peace
Lawes and Ordrs and all and singuler other the prmisses and
at certaine dayes appointed according to Act of Assembly in
that case provided, and such places wch you or any foure or
more of you as aforesd shall in that behalfe appoint yee make
Enquiries upon the prmisses and pforme & fullfill the same in
forme aforesd doeing therein that wch to Justice apperteyneth
according to the Lawes Ordrs and resonable Customes of this
our province, Sauing to vs the Amerciamts and other things
thereof to us belonging And therefore wee Comand the
Sherrife of the said County of Anne Arrundell by virtue of
these prsents that at the dayes and places aforesd wch you or
any such foure or more of you as aforesd shall make knownc
to him to give his Attendance on you, And if need require tc
cause to come before you or any such foure or more of you a
aforesd such and sue many good and lawfull men of your
County by whome the truth in the prmisses may the better be