Ordered att a Prouinciall Court
held the 10th Octobr 1665 (uizt)
Whereas to be Remembred that this Eleaventh day October
one thousand six hundred sixty five Came to the Governor and
Councell in Provinciall Court assembled Nancotamon one of
the greate men of Mattawoman & desired to know what was
the Governors pleasure to doe with his nacon (vizt) whether he
would have them Remove further of into the woods or to re-
mayne vpon the land where they now or lately lived, for they
were ready to Obey his Comands, Wherevpon the Governor
desired the opinion of the Councell whether itt were fitt to
drive the said Indians further of or otherwise to Continue them
still vpon their Ould habitacon where they are within our
Comand. And itt was the generall opinion uf the bord that
itt was most for the safety of the Province to Continue them
neere us as being more vnder our Comand.
And therevpon Ordered
That the Mattawoman Indians doe remaine vpon their ould
Habitacons till further Order, And further itt is Ordered that
their land be with all Convenient speed laid out for them by
certeine Meets & bounds within which noe English man shall
take vp any land, And for as much as the generall peace and
safety of the Province is more pretious then the Private Con-
venience of any perticuler persons whatsoever itt is also