Liber H. H.
knowne and enquired of, And lastly wee haue appointed
Nathaniel Heathcoate Clarke and keeper of the Records and
proceedings in this your said County Court, And therefore you
shall cause to be brought before you at the sd dayes and place
the writts prcepts process and Jndictments to yor Court &
P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
XIX, No.
The King to the Govr of Maryland.
? Nov. 1665.
Trusty & wellb. Observing the great losses or subjects have
susteined this last sumer in their Voyages homewards from
those parts by omitting to conforme themselves to such ordrs
as wee had given for their returne to or respective Governrs of
those our Plantacons, Wee have found fitt hereby to repeat
those or Commds willing & requiring you forthwith upon receipt
hereof to take effectuall care that all such shipping as are
designed homewards the next Spring be ready to sett saile in
company wth the first wind after the first of Aprill & not before.
And that in their returne they joine themselves in one entire
Fleet wth those bound homewards from Virginia, whom wee
have by or letters of this date to or Governr there orderd to
make one Fleet wth you, and to returne in company, sailing
from the place of their first Rendezvous wch is to be conceited
& agreed on between you & our sd Govr of Virginia directly
for Fayall one of the Westerne Islands, where they shall find
such convoy as shallbe thought necessary or otherwise advise
how to governe themselves in the rest of their Voyadge home-
wards and in case it happen by any accident that at their arri-
vall at Fayall they meet wth no such convoy or advice, then
having expected these 8 days. They are to saile directly to
the Soundings & from thence, if they meet not with other on
further advice they shall make the first convenient port of this
Or Kingdome of England there to stay till they receive further
ordrs, and if any ships in their Company be bound for our
Kingdome of Ireland they shall from the said Port of this or
Kingdome receive sufficient convoys to the parts of Ireland
whither they are bound. And in the due & punctuall execucon
of these or Ordrs & comands you are yourselfe to use all pos-