Caecilius Absolute Lord and proprietary of the provinces of
Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c Know ye
that wee Reposeing speciall confidence and trust in you John
Vickoridge gent and for that the County Court of Kent have
prsented you amongst three to Serve as Sherriffe for the said
County for this ensueing yeare have Constituted Ordayned
and appointed and doe by these prsents Constitute Ordaine
and appoint You Sheriffe of the said County And to have such
priviledges and benifitts as any other Sheriffe within this our
province of Maryland now hath or any other Sherriffe of yor
said County ever have had held or enjoyed or of Right ought
to have had held or enjoyed To have and to hold the said
Office or Imploymt from the day of the date hereof untill the
first day of Aprill next Ensueing and after till another Sherriffe
by yor said County Court to be presented shall be lawfully by
pattent Constituted Provided that hee the said John Vickoridge
doe in open Court in his said County take the Oath of Sheriffe
hereunto annexed and give Security for the well discharging of
his Office and trust according to the Act of Assembly in that
case provided Given at St Marys undr our lesser Seale of our
said province of Maryland the 30th day of June in the 34th
yeare of our Dominion over our said province of Maryland
Annoq. dmi 1665 Witnes our deare Sonn and heire Charls
Calvert Esq our Leiutent Generall of our said province of
These are therefore to will and require you that by the last
day of July next (if Conveniently then before) you cause a list
to be taken of all the Tythables within yor County and that in
the said list the Name & Surname of Each Tythable pson and
the house of his abode be distinctly set downe and a Coppy
thereof faire written and sent immeadiatly downe to the Gov-
ernor and Councell & an other Coppy of the said list sett up
in the Court house at yor next County Court to remaine there
for the whole yeare to the end that if any Errors be therein
they may be corrected & the same certified to the Governor &
Councell before the Ist day of September next herein faile not