the Leivetennt Generall & Councell with what speed hee may,
his Certifficate of the proceedings herein Given undr my hand
this 3Oth day of June One thousand six hundred Sixty five
Charls Calvert Esq. Captaine Generall of all the forces
within this province of Maryland undr the Right honoble Caecilius
Absolute Lord and proprtary of the same To Cap Jonathan
Sibrey Greeting According to the power to mee by his said
Lordp Comitted and upon the speciall trust & confidence J
have in your fidellity Circumspeccon courage and good Con-
duct J doe hereby Constitute Ordaine and appoint you Captaine
undr mee of all the forces upon the Island of Kent, them to
Muster excercise and traine up in the Art of Warr and disci-
pline Millatary and in all things to doe as any Captaine of a
Company of foote may or of Right ought to doe to the resist-
ance of all Enemyes Suppression of all Mutinyes insolencies
insurreccons and rebellions whatsoever according to such Ordrs
& direccons as you shall from time to time receive from mee
and to that end to list such and soe many of the inhabitants
within the Island aforesaid as you shall thinke fitt and
them when and as often as you shall thinck Convenient to