take speciall Care, that noe English doe Game or wrestle wth
any Indians so to auoid all Occasions of Quarrell
Commcon to Collonell Wm Euans for the raising
those thirety prsons in the foregoeing Ordr (uizt)
Collonell William Euans
Immediately uppon sight hereof yow are to Cause thirety able
men to be pressed out of st marys County wth sufficient ffoott
Armes, and to finde out a fitt prson to Comand them and alsoe
to presse for euery man soe raised, two pounds of powder and
ffiue pounds of shott
And yow are to impower the prson by yow to be placed in
Comand Ouer the said thirety men to quarter the said men in
theire March upp to Capt William Burges in Ann Arundell
County or else to presse sufficient prouisiones for them in
theire sd march to him; And Order the said Comandr Comandr
the said Burges to March and him to Obey Or his Collonell
Lewis Stockett when prsent, till further Order from mee, And
this shall be yor warrt Giuen undr my hand att st Marys this
6th day of June 1665 Charles Caluert
Idem Mutatis Mutandis to Major Thomas Brooke for
40 men out of Caluert County 20 of from the Clifts and
20 in Petuxent riuer to march to Capt wm Burges &c
Idem mutatis mutandis to Capt Robert Troope for 30
men out of Charles County to march ut supra