men according to your Best discrecon and wth the Aduice and
Consent of the major part of the Officers comanding in the
Seuerall partyes yow are to Endeauour to find out the Indian
Enemy in theire Quarters and them by Gods Assistance to
Vanquish or Otherwise driue Out of this Prouince or Other-
wise uppon the place and Emergent Occasions as yow wth the
Aduice and Consent aforesaid shall finde it more Expedient
and for the safety of the Prouince in Generall to keepe seuerall
partyes ranging the woods as well to the Head of Petuxent as
Patapsco & Bush Riuers or euen up to the Vtmost bounds of
the Prouince uppon the Sasquesahanough riuer
Secondly yow arc to take spcciall Care to see yor men want
not necessary prouisiones for foode nor Armes nor Amunicon
and to that end yow are to issue Orders to the Sherriffes or
other Officers next to yow in the seuerall Countyes where yow
shall chance to come in pursuite of yor Commission to presse
any Armes Ammunicon or Prouisiones Needfull; Who are to
keepe exact and true accompts of such thinges so pressed as
Thirdely yow are to take especiall Care of the People in
Patapsco riuer and Gunn Powder Riuer and to that end yow
are to keepe a Constant Correspondence wth yor Colonell Lewis
Stockett, whom, when yow shall Chance to meet yow are to
Obey in all thinges
Fowrthly To the end all necessary assistance may be Giuen
to all places in danger yow are to giue notice of all yor proceed-
ings and all intelligence yow shall receiue to me twice euery
weeke and Oftener if need be, and to presse messengers ex-
pressely to bring yor letters to me as also to send yor intelli-
gence to your Collonell as aften as need shall be, and Generally
yow are to presse Boates men or horses either to Carry Baggaege J oo o