These are therefore in the name of the Rigt Honble Honble
the Lord Propr of this prouince to will and require and like-
wise to impower yow Charles Brooks that forthwth yow warne
and Conuene together on munday next being the 22th of this
instant month of May Major Thomas Brooke Thomas Leitch-
worth William Dorrington William Groome and Tobias Norton
or any foure of them whereof One to be of the Coram, Together
wth John Turuill the intended Clarke for yor said County Court
And that before them yow take yor Oath belonging to Sherriffe
as is to yor Comcon affixed, and giue bond likewise as to
prscribed by Act of Assembly in that behalfe, and that there
uppon yow doe all thinges belonging to yor Office of Sherriffe
wthout further delay, And allsoe they the said Commrs are re-
quired to Administer Oath to the said Ino Turuill uppon his
being receiued as Clarke of yor Court, After wch yow cause him
the said Turuill to send downe to the Leiutennt Generall and
Councell wth wt speed he may his Certifficate of the Proceed-
ings herein Giuen undr my hand this 17th day of May 1665
To Charles Brooke gent Charles Caluert
By Charls Calvert Esq. Leivitent
Generall of Maryland
Haveing Certaine Notice that there hath bene of late
Seuerall persons & Jnhabitants in this province Wounded and
Slaine by some stranger Jndians in and about yor prcincts and
other places Adjacent, You are therefore upon sight hereof to