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into debate some speedy way for the pruencon of the Indian
Enemyes further incursiones into this prouince, And how
they may be suppressed for the future,
Wherefore Ordered that Coll william Euans doe forthwth
prouide and presse thirety able men in this County of st marys,
and a prson ffitt to Comand them wth sufficient ffoott Armes
and Amunicon that is two pounds of powder and ffiue pounds
of shott each man wth prouisiones, and what thinges else may
be necessary in this Expedicon, And then to march up to the
County of Ann Arrundell there to be receiued by Capt William
Burges, And his Orders and Comands to follow being in
Cheife to Comand Ouer those forces that shall there meet or
bee raised in that County
That Capt Robt Troope doe take the like Care for the
pressing 30 men, and prouide a prson to Comand them, wth
sufficient ffoott Armes and Amunicon as abouesaid, And then
march forward to Capt william Burges, in Anne Arrundell
County to waite and receiue Orders from him being Comandr
as aforesaid
That Major Thomas Brooke doe likewise cause ffourty men
to be rais'd by presse or Otherwise in Caluert County, that is
twenty out of the riuer of Petuxent and twenty off from the
Clifts wth One prson ffitt to Comand them wth sufficient ffoott
Armes and Amunicon as aforesaid, and then to march forward
to Capt William Burges in Anne Arrundell County there to
receiue Orders from him as Comandr as aforesaid
That the said Capt William Burges doe raise by presse or