John Collett Clarke of Baltemore County acquaints the
Honble Leiutennt Generall that theire County Court hath
Elected three prsons to serue as Sherriffe for that County for
this yeare 1665
Ordered by the Leiutennt Generall that Mr John Collett One
of the three prsons (the other being Godfrey Bayley and
Nathaniell Styles) nominated be Elected Sherriffe for Balte-
more County for this yeare 1665
Whereupon Commcon Excert the 4th may 1665 prout in Or-
dinario in fo: 218 p John Collett to be Sherriffe of Baltemore
County wth the Oath affixt and warrt to take a list of the tyth-
ables in the said County as doth follow that Comcon to Richard
Ewens in fo: 218 aforesaid
Charles Brookes now Elected Sherriffe of
Caluert County desires Comcon to Conuene
some Commrs to Sweare him, as followeth
Whereas I am giuen to understand that some demurrer may
be made concerning the Officiating the Office of Sherriffe
untill yow haue taken yor Oath in yor County Court & giuen
security as in yor Commcon is Prouided for, and whereas the
Commrs of yor County doe not intend to hold Court in yor
County untill the 20th day of June next, after which time must
be returned (and that too suddainely) the list of taxable prsons
according to a speciall warrt to yow directed for that purpose