482 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675.
Liber H. H.
The Create men of Pascatoway
The King & Create men of
The King & Create men of
Portoback & Mattawomen.
for the Jndians.
The Leiutt Grall arryuing att Pascatoway on the Thirtith day
of May, according to Agreemt wth the Jndians, concerning the
Election of a New Emperour for that Nation (their former
Emperor being dead) The next Day came the Kings & Create
men of all the Neighbouring Townes: who satt in Councell
about the sd Election. And hauing Concluded thereon on
their parts.
They presented on the day following, being the first day of
June to the Rt honble the Leiutt Grall, a yowng yowth named
Nattowasso, about Eleauen yeares of age (This yowth being
the eldest sonne of Wahocasso late Emperor of Pascatowoy
deceased) to bee their Emperor. And requested the Leiutt
Grall to approue of their sd Election, & to confirme the sd
Nattowasso Emperor of Pascatoway.
Their Reasons why they made choyce of this yowth to bee
Emperor are these. Declaring how tht in times past there
were lyuing att Pascattoway Two ffamilies; out of wch Two
ffamilies, their Kings were chosen. The one being the ffamily
of Wannys, The other the ffamily of Wahocasso. Of wch
Wahocasso this Nattowasso descended, hee being his Eldest
sonne as aforesd.
ffurther the Indians shew, That there is a Daughter of the
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ffamily of Wannys, now lyuing att Pascatoway, & about the
same age, wth this yowth now elected by them. To wch yowth
they doe intend to marry this Daughter of Wannys ffamily,
whenas they shall attaine to mature yeares: Referring them-
selues still to the Gouernor & Councell of this Prouince, if soe
bee they shall iudge it Conuenient, & approue thereof, & not
contradict them therein: To whose power they doe submitt
ffurther they Request That this yowth (formerly called
Nattowasso bee hereafter called Wahocasso after his ffathers
Lastly they desyre the Leiutt Grall to approue of & allow
this their Election of Nattowasso, now Wahocasso. And Like-
wise tht the English, will protect him uppon all occasions.
To wch last proposition the Leiutt Grall (by his Jnterpreter)
answered. That hee would both protect him & defend him,
And then charged the Jndians That they should not presume
to wrong him uppon any pretence, eyther by poysoning of him,
or by other indirect wayes. Assuring them, That if any such