480 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675.
Liber H. H.
wayes & meanes, as by Common Consent shall bee thought
most conducing to the ends aforesd And after such Agreemt
soe to bee made, to promise that an Assembly shall bee called
herein Marylend, to whom the sd Agreemt shall bee propounded,
in case the Commisrs from the Gour of Virginia shall promise
to propownd the sd Agreemt to an Assembly there. Wher-
fore J doe request that the aboue mentioned Commisrs Philip
Caluert Henry Sewall, Edward Lloyd & Henry Coursey, may
bee credited & beleiued, promising to ratify, confirme &
approue whatsoeur shall bee done by them, according to this
my Commisn as if it were done by my selfe. Gyuen att St
Maries, under my hand, & the Lesser Seale of this Prouince of
Maryland the 9th day of may 1663.
Charles Caluert
Att a Conferance held att Mr Allerton's in Wiccocomoco
in Virginia the 12th may 1663 by the Commisrs appoynted
by the Rt honble Sr William Berckeley Knt Gouernor and
Capt Grall of Virginia on the behalfe of Virginia.
And the Commisrs appoynted by the honble Charles Caluert
Esqr Leiutt & Cheife Gouernor of Maryland on the
behalfe of tht Prouince
p. 1 80
Whereas his Maiesty of Create Brittaine ffrance & Jreland
taking into his Royall Consideraon the prnt necessities aswell
of his Colony of Virginia as of the Prouince of Maryland by his
Order of the 29th June 1662. Commanded that Comrs bee
appoynted for each Gouermt to meete & consult of the best
meanes of the aduancing the only Comodity of these Countries,
Tobacco. Wee the subscribed Commisrs haue therefore in
Obedience to his sd Maties Royall Commands considered seuerall
wayes of improueing the sd Comodities, & haue Concluded the
only best way to bee, the Lessening the greate quantities now
made, wch glutt all marketts, & of many wayes of Lessening it
A Stint to Certaine dayes of planting to bee the most fitt, and
of easiest practice, & doe therfore conclude & agree,
ffirst That itt bee proposed to the respectiue Assemblies of
each Gouermt That noe Tobacco shall bee planted or sowed in
eyther Colony, in the succeeding yeare sixteene hundd sixty
ffowre, after the 20th day of June, uppon such forfeiture &
punishmt, as shall bee thought by the sd Assemblies, effectuall
for such a Restraint. And tht the sd Restraint bee continued
for one yeare only, unlesse the sd Assemblies shall thinke fitt,
to Continue it longer.
Secondly it is agreed on by the Commisrs aforesd That in
order to the Confirmaon of the abouesd Agreemts, The Gour
of Maryland shall call an Assembly of that Prouince to meete