Ordered likewise That a Boate & hands bee pressed to
Conuey the sd Commisrs ouer Patowmeck Riuer, to the
appoynted place, by the 11th of may.
And the Leiutt Grall nominated Philip Caluert Esqr Chancelor,
Henry Sewall Esqr Secretary, Mr Henry Coursey & Mr Edward
Lloyd, Commisrs to the intent aforesd
Charles Caluert Esqr Leiutt & cheife Gouernor of the
Prouince of maryland, under the Rt honble Cacelius Absolute
Lord & Proprietary of the same, To all Persons to whom these
prnts shall come, Greeting in Our Lord God Euerlasting.
Whereas uppon a Petn to his most sacred Maiesty prferred 26th
may 1662 in the name of the Planters & Traders to Virginia
complayning of the Decay of that Trade, caused by the exces-
siue quantities of Tobacco, planted as well in tht Colony, as in
this Prouince of Maryland & other places. Jt was by his
Maiesty wth aduice of his Priuy Councell on the 29th day of
June 1662 Ordered That a letter should bee written, from his
Maiesty to the Gouernor of Virginia, That hee should endeauor
by consulting wth the Planters in Virginia, & wth the Lord
Baltemores Leiut of maryland, or Commisrs to bee appoynted
by his sd Lordship, to agree vppon the promoting of planting
hemp, & fflax, & other considerable comodities in these
Colonies, & the lessening the planting Tobacco here. And
that the Restraint for planting Tobacco might bee alike, in
both places. That another Letter should bee written to the
Lord Baltemore att the same time from his Maiesty to his sd
Lop, Recommending the like to him, & that his Lp should giue
direction to his Leiutt in Maryland, to consult wth the Planters
there, to appoynt Commisrs to consult wth his Maiesties Gour of
Virginia, or such Commisrs as hee should appoynt for tht pur-
pose. Now Know Yee that according to the tenor of his Lps
p. 178
instructions to mee in tht behalfe directed, & in Complyance
wth the desyres of the Rt honble S William Berkeley his Maies-
ties Gouernor of Virginia to mee signifyed by his Letter. I
haue hereby Constituted, ordayned & appoynted, & doe by
thes prnts Constitute, ordaine & appoynt Philip Caluert
Henry Sewall, Edward Lloyd & Henry Coursey Esqrs, Comrs
to treate & aduise wth such Commisrs as are appoynted by the
Rt honble Sr william Berkeley, his Maiesties Gouernor of Vir-
ginia, about the Lessening of the quantities of Tobacco, &
aduancing more staple Comodities, & to agree uppon such
p. 179