478, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675.
Liber H. H.
wee are in. This J question not but will bee accepted of by all
here in generall, & most in prticular by
Honoured Sr Yor most humble serut
Charles Caluert.
Att a Councell held att St Maries 28th Aprill
Leiutt Grall
Vppon Consideraon had of the Ouerture made fro' the Gour
& Councell of Virginia, for a meeting of Commisrs from this
Prouince uppon the Eleauenth of May next. Ordered that
Commisrs bee sent from this Prouince to meete att the time &
place appoynted by the Gouernor & Councell of Virginia And
that a Boate & hands bee press'd to giue Mr Henry Coursey
& Mr Edward Lloyd notice to meete att St Maries on the
Eighth day of may next.
P. 177
Att a Councell held att St Maries
30th Aprill 1663.
Leiutt Grall
Mr Thomas Mathewes being summoned to make his appear-
ance this day, & giue in an acct of the Estate of Edward Cotton
Vid fol 151
deceased, according to an Ordr of tht Councell 27o
June last. Who appearing according to Summons,
And the Attorney likewise of Raph Crouch appearing, in whose
hands part of tht Estate was left. But the proceedings in this
Busines haue relaon to the Prouinciall Court. The Accts
belonging to tht Estate, & other things incident thereto, & the
Order of this prnt Councell concerning the same are entred on
the Prouinciall Records of this Prouince
Att a Councell held att St Johns
this 8o May 1663.
Leutt Grall
Mr Henry Coursey
Mr Edward Lloyd
Vid. fol. 173.
was Read Sr Willm Berkleys letter in Order to
the Conference to bee held in Northumberland
County, in Virginia &c: & according to that former order of
the Councell 28o Aprilis last.