of mee & the Councell hath taken uppon himselfe the trouble
of deliuering this to yow by whome if yow Returne yor accept-
ance, & that the urgency of yor affayres might permitt us the
honour to see your selfe att the Conference, Both J & mr Sec-
retary unlesse hindered by the interposall of some unexpected
and pressing occasion, would come to wayte uppon yow att the
time & place appoynted. And in the meane time am
Hond Sr Yor most humble serut
William Berkeley.
The Leiutt Grall, his answere &c:
Most Honoured Sr
I haue receiued yor letter by the hands of mr Bennett &
haue acquainted his Lps Councell here wth yor desyre therein,
who are most willing to serue the Countrye, and are ready to
ioyne in anything, wch may conduce to the improueing our
only commodity att prsent, Tobaccoe, wch Wee as well as yow
are to sensible is of so meane a ualue, thl wee can hardly
subsist by it, & this cheifly occasioned by the uast quantities
yearely planted, both in Virginia & Maryland.
Of this Wee are sufficiently satisfyed, & haue long labourd
& studyed a meanes to aduance, for wch if any expedient may
bee fownd, None J am certaine are more ready to embrace
then Our selues, soe much wee haue desyred it, that wee haue
only exspected yor ioyning wth us, wthout wch wee conceiued it
not possible to bee effected to Our aduantage.
Yow hauing bene pleased Sr to signify yor desyre towards it,
wee shall most cheerefully ioyne wth yow, and I doubt not but
his Maty will find as ready a Complyance from us in Obedience
to his Royall Commands, as from any other his subiects.
p. 175
His Lp in his last letters to mee gaue mee this busines in
charge according to his Sacred Maties Commands to him to
signify the same unto his Gouernor & Councell here, this it
selfe (did not our owne necessities force us to seeke some
redresse) were more then enough to begett in us, an humble
Complyance wth his maties pleasure herein.
I shall not fayle to appoynt Commisrs for to attend those yow
haue nominated, & att the time & place yow haue mentioned.
Where J will endeauor my selfe to wayte on yow, if other Busi-
nes of wch J am to giue his Lp an accompt of by this shipping
doe not disapoynt mee of tht honour.
Sr I hope some way may then bee fownd & agreed on, by
wch wee may better our State & condicon, wch for the prsent
p. 176