[Overproduction of Tobacco.]
Sr Willm Berkeley his Letter to the Leiutt
Grall of Maryland.
Right Honourable.
What necessities the Jnhabitants of these parts of his Maties
Dominions groane under by reason of the contemptible ualue
of Tobaccoe, The only Comodity wee haue yett fownd to
subsist by. J thinke yor owne sufferings as well as ours giue
yow such sensible though sad experience of, that J haue noe
need to use any other Arguments to euidence the truth of the
Demonstraon. And as little to proue That the greate quan-
tity made, is the only cause of the inconsiderablenes of the
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This Sr Comeing to his Maties knowledge, whose gratious
Care extends to the remotest parts of his Dominions hee was
pleased by his last instructions to mee, to propose to his Coun-
cell here, the languishing condicon of this his first & most
hopefull Colony. And among Our selues to Consider of some
such Expedient, as might giue a stopp to that ruine which
wthout it must ineuitably fall uppon us.
His sacred Maty being allso sensible that the Plantaon of
Maryland is soe incorporated wth this in Jnterest of Trade
That noe effectuall remedy can bee applyed to one wthout the
complyance of the other. Was pleased therefore to giue us
directions to treate wlh yow about it.
Jn Obedience to these Royall Comands J and the Councell
here haue considered of the meanes of Redresse, & authorized
the Gentlemen of the Councell Coll Richard Lee, Coll Robert
Smith, Coll John Carter, & Mr Henry Corbin our Commisrs to
communicate our Results to yow, & appoynted the Eleuenth
day of May next to bee the time, & the County Court howse
of Northumberland County the place for Conference.
My earnest desyre is tht yor honor would not fayle to appoynt
other Commisrs to meete them att that time that J may by this
shipping render an account to his Maty of the issue of our
Consultaon, who J am sure expects it. And hath commanded
mee to giue it. And further to certify him of yor Acceptance
or Refusall, Vppon wch his maty himselfe hath promised to
apply a suitable remedy.
I hope Sr yor owne Concernemts wthout enforceing other
Argumts will induce yow to prforme my desyre of this meeting,
att wch I question not but such probable meanes of repayring