Then Came Iames lolly and desired to haue a lease for
twenty One yeares of the State house att St marys to keepe
Ordinary therin and to haue the house repaired
Wherupon the Gouernr and Councell ordered that Iames
Jolly haue a Lease of the aboue said howse for One and twenty
yeares hee Condiconing to repaire the said howse and to keep
it tennantable for the said terme Jn Consideracon of which the
Gouernr and Councell haue Ordered the sd James lolly for to
haue ffiue thowsand pownds of tobacco And for the said
Jollyes better encouragemt what is due from the Widdow Lee
And the Leiuetnt Generall hath likewise engagede before the
Councell to pay the said James Jolly ffiue thowsand pownds
of tobacco more in Consideracon of the aboue saide premisses
[Denization of B. Brasseuir.]
Csecilius absolute Lord & proprietary of the prouince of
Maryland & Aualon Lord Barren of Baltemore &c. To all
persons to whome these presents shall come Greetinge In our
Lord God Euerlasting Wheras Benojs Brasseuir late of Virginia
and Subject of the Crowne of france hauing transported hime-
selfe his wife and Children into this Prouince here to inhabite
hath besought us to grant hime the said Benojs Brasseuir leaue
here to inhabite and as a free Dennizen freedome land to hime
and his heires to purchase Knowe yee that wee willing to giue
due encouragement to the Subjects of that Crowne Doe hereby
De Clare them the said Benojs Brasseuir his wife & Children
as well those allready borne as those hereafter to bee borne to
bee free Dennizens of this our prouince of Maryland And doe
further for us our heires & Successors straightly Enioyne Con-
stitute ordeine and Command that the said Benojs Brasseuir
be in all things held treated reputed and esteemed as one of
the faythfull people of us our heires & Successors borne within
this our prouince of Maryland And likewise any lands Tene-
ments Reuenues Seruices and other heriditamts whatsoeuer
within our said prouince of Maryland may inhirite or otherwise