Annoq Domini One thowsand Six hundred Sixty two Wittnes
our deare Sonn and heire Charles Caluert Esqr Our Leiuetenn'
of Our Said Prouince of maryland
Signed Charles Caluert
Charles Caluert Esqr Captaine Generall of all the Forces
within this prouince of maryland under the Right Honble
Caecilius absolute Lord and proprietary of the same, To Cap-
taine Richard Woollman Greeting, According to the power to
mee by his saide Lordsp Committed and upon the Speciall
trust and Confidence J haue in your fidelity Circumspectione
Courage and good Conduct I doe hereby constitute ordeine
and appointe yow Captaine under mee of the forces in Talbott
County them to muster Exercise and traine up in the art of
warr and discipline military And in all things to doe as any
Captaine of a Company of foote may or of right ought to do
to the resistance of all Enemyes suppression of all mutinyes
insolencyes insurrectiones and rebellions whatsoeuer according
to Such Orders and directions as you shall from time to time
receiue from mee and to that end to list such and soe many of
the inhabitants within the precincts aforesaid as yow thinke fitt
and them when and as often as yow shall thinke conuenient to
muster and traine soe that they may bee in readyness as occa-
sione shall require to attend my further Commands with fitting
Armes and amunitione for the purpose aforesaide, To haue
and to hould to the said Office and Comand till the Lord
Proprietary or his heires or his or their Leiuetent Cheife Gouenr
or Captaine Generall for the time being Shall Signifye his or
their pleasure to the Contrary And all persons whatsoeuer are
hereby strictly and required to yealde all due Obedience to yow
the said Capt woollman in all things appertaining to the
Comand and Office hereby conferred on yow as they will