limitted as by the warrts Vpon Record more at large appeareth
which Condicons are yet unperform'd for the better Security
of those parts it is therefore Ordred that it shall bee lawfull
for any persons whatsoeuer to take up the Said land in the
Same Quantityes as the were Suruayed for the said Nehimiah
Couentan and the rest of the Inhabitants of Accomacke afo're-
said paying unto Mr Augustin Herman the Seuerall & respec-
tiue ffees by him payd unto the Suruayr Generall for Suruay-
ing the respectiue parcells and entring rights for & seating the
said land within twelue months next after the date of this
Order, This 20th of Nouember 1662
Signed Hen: Sewall Secre-
Att a Councell held att St Marys this 5th day of Decembr
1662, Prsent the Leiuetent Generall Phillip Calluert Esqr
Chancellor Henery Sewall Esqr Secretary Iohn Bateman Esqr
Mr Baker Brookes Councellors
To the Honble the Leiuetent Generall
The humble Peticon of Phillip Caluert Esqr
That yor Petitioner hath for some yeares past held and payd
rent for the Manners of Morton and Swale in Baltemore County
without making any proffitt of them, that yor Petr Suruay'd the
Mannr of Swale meerely as a Conuenience to the Mannr of
Morton without which it is noethinge worth unto hime, Yor
Petitioner therfore humbly prays that in regard his Lordsp
hath a desire to haue the Pattent Surrendred of the Mannr of
Morton to the Jntent ther to build a Towne yor Petitior may
haue Lycence to Surrendr the Mannr of Swale allso and that
you will grant Warrant for Soe much land to hime in any other
place not reseru'd for his Lordspe nor Suruayed for others and
hee shall pray &cc
Ordered that Phillip Caluert Esqr haue a warrt for two
thowsand acres of land in one or more places in any parte of
this prouince not formerly taken up nor reseru'd for his Lordsps
use, In Exchange of the said mannors of Morton and Swale wth
like priuiledges as the sd mannors had