To the Right Honoble Charles Caluert Esqr Lt
Generall of Maryland
The Humble Peticon of Christian Holt als Bonmneld
sheweth That whereas your Peticonr to all the Jnhabitants
adjadcent is well Knowne to haue brought a Considerable
Estate into your Lordshps Prouince & hath liued in a full &
plentifull manner Till such time as her vnfortunate marriage
hapened wth Robert Holt She then haueinge a Considerable
Estate in her Possession. And Whereas Since it hath pleased
God to take away the said Robert Holt he haueinge in his
Life time Confirmed all his wordly good to your Petr being
inconsiderable to the Valew of what she had when she was
first married to him since wch decease of the sd Holt your Petr
being thus uertually possest by deed of Guift is neuerthelesse
molested & threatned to be turned out of doores into the
Woods by one Dauid Holt his said sonne.
The premises Considered your Petr humbly begs yor
Honors Iust & pious Consideracon to redresse her
Injuries she being alwaies ready to giue Such Just
accounts as shall in Law be required of the same
And she as in duty bound shall
Ordered tht the Peticon is graunted & that the Peticonr
Christian Boniefeild als Holte doe giue the Secretary Suffi-
cient security that noe Part of the Estate mentioned either in
the deed of Guift dated March 2d 1661 or Peticon, be imbez-
eled before such time as the Court haue determined to whome
the said Estate belongeth.
Att a Councell held att St Marys the 28th of
Nouembr 1662 prsent the Leiuetennt Generll
Chancellour and Secretary
Ordered to Augustine Herman for the receiuinge of ffees
due from Seuerall Inhabitants of Accomack