Liber H. H.
p. 154
462 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675.
The Councell approued of what Mr Edward Lloyde hath
don in orderinge the Captaines to send scouts to secure the
heades of the Riuers
Ordered that Captains and scouts be speedily sent into other
parts for that purpose, and that Comission bee giuen vnto the
said Captaines and Scouts to kill all Jndians that will not yeeld.
and that notice be giuen to the neighbour Jndians of what
order wee haue giuen to our scouts.
Ordered that all powder and shott bee taken vp for the
Country seruice.
Ordered that all Prisoners that shall be taken be sent to
st Marys immediatly by water.
Ordered that notice be sent to Collo. Euens of this accident,
and that Maior Thomas Brookes, and Captn Thomas Manninge
send scouts to the head of Patoxent Riuer, And Maior Samuell
Gouldsmith and Captn Thomas Howell send Scouts into other
places, and that a letter be sent vnto the Comissioners of
Charles County to giue them notice of this accident, and
To Capt Robt Troope at Portobacke to require him to bee
vigilant to take allarmes if any come and a letter to the
Gouernor of new Amsell desireinge him to giue notice to the
Passaionke, and Pichacomica Jndians that wee haue Scouts out
aboute the heades of our Riuers, whoe haue order to kill all
Jndians that doe not yeeld if pursued and to lett them know
the Reason
An other Letter to the Jntrepreters Mr Francis Wright and
Jacob to order them to giue notice to the Suscahannoughs of
our scouts, with a list of the goods plundered.
by the Lieut Genall Charles Caluert Esqr.
To Major Samuell Gouldsmith.
July 10, 1662
Haueinge certaine notice that there hath bin of
late one man wounded by som stranger Indians at
or neere the head of Patapsco Riuer, and an other youth slaine
and a house plundred at the head of the South Riuer by
Jndians alsoe. you are therefore vppon sight heere of to take
speciall care by sendinge out Scouts to the heads of the Riuers
within your diuision (or otherwise as by the aduice of the
Comissioners of your County or the major part of them shall
bee judged conuenient) to secure the peace and persons of the
Jnhabitants within your diuision from the incursions of any
Jndians whatsoeuer, and further to authorize you and all per-
sons vnder your comannd, the persons of any Jndians not
Allyes of this Province to take and surprize, and in case of
resistance to wound and kill, and J doe heereby further will
and require you to send all prisoners that shall be taken by
you by water imediatly to st Marys, and that you keepe cor-