man shott at Patapsco I onely heard p common report was
dangerously shott with arrowes the people there (whether of
Judgemt or other wise) neuer appleyed them selues to any.
am now to acquaint you with an accident happened at the head
of the South Riuer, vizt one George Nettlfould his wife and
Kinswoman with two or three smale Children beinge returned
from a Neighbours howse found a Company of Jndians in his
freighted apprehention to the number of twenty they Killed a
boy at worke, (a wench at work with the boy) escaped, the
Jndians makeinge towards the man hee betakes himselfe to his
bote : the two weomen with each a Child vnder their armes
recouered the boate. and soe escapt. Then the Jndians
plundred the howse of these particulars in cloased besides
Seuerall other things. J thought good to send you the list
with as much description as they gaue of them, that notice may
bee taken thereof in case any of them com to the vieu of inter-
preters, traders or any other by way of truck. Questioninge
him what Jndians he thought these to be, hee Kewe not but
thinks not Mataws for they weare a fortnight afore at his
howse, and seemed to bee strangers and Killed him 2 younge
Catle, som suspition of Jndians beinge still aboute the planta-
tions, there is, p reason whoopeinge and shooteinge is heard,
and Cattle cominge freighted home. The Weomen freinds
com now from theire husbands desireinge ayde and assistance
addinge that theire husbands will bee willinge to doe Seruice
to secure the place. J haue spoke to the Captains to cause
Skouts to be sent forth to scoure the heads of the Riuers, and
if any whatsoeuer refuse to serue then to send to mee, and J
purpose (God willinge) to send them to you to answere euery
such contempt. The Captaines and Scoute men desires
speedily to haue directions from you in case they see any
Jndians whey they may proceede to death if they may not bee
taken otherwise; and likwise what to doe with any such they
cann take and bringe in. J hope this vrgent occasion will
cause speedier and conueyance then formerly.
Uber H. H.
The County desires earnestly to haue the Acts sent vpp that
they may bee published and knowen. Sr J suppose it will bee
very necessary to inquire and indeauor to procure as much
Amunition as can bee gott least wee bee destitute in tyme of
neede, for J doubt there is greate want of it. J heard nothinge
of your Sloope though J inquired of one that had been at my
Plantation on Freyday last. Wth my seruice presented to my
Lord and Mr Sewall, and not forgettinge my due respects to
mr Caluert I take leaue and Rest.
From Mr Bruee in Your Honnors Lo Command
South Riuer this 20o of Edd LLoyde
June 1662.
p. 153